Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July, 2011

We decided a while ago that we needed to get away to Granny's more often like we used to. Before Davin's breathing issues. Since his lungs are doing sooo much better, he does not aspirate anymore, and the warm weather, we decided to head on up for the 4th of July Weekend. before we headed up to Pine though onSaturday, we were able to attend Ward and Amber's sealing at the Mesa Temple and a beautiful luncheon at the Landmark afterwards. Sadly, I did not take any pictures. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and spend time together with family we do not see very often, though. Then, we hit the road. This is what Davin did on Ellsworth road with all the hills. He thought it was so much fun and called it a rollercoaster.

We got to Pine a little before dinner and had a beautiful walk and very nice dinner. We attended church the next day. It is so fun to see so many friends from home that are up there at their cabins (Garretts, Cummards, Lebarons, Whitings, LeSueuers, Dorneys, Lloyds, etc). Church was overflowing.
(I love how Davin and Brielle look at eachother)
After Church, we had some good grub and did some nice relaxing, OUTSIDE. Brielle was starting to be able to play outside when it was warming up so it was fun to enjoy the outdoors with her.
Bryan took Davin "exploring". It was so fun to be able to see out son enjoy the outdoors with no boundaries the way we did when we were kids. They made up a game called the "rock game". Basically, they would walk along the big river rocks and pretend to slip down and then pretend like they were hurt. I think the game was created in an attempt to get Davin to not cry when he actually slipped. Well, it worked and Davin thought it was hilarious. It scared me frankly. I could just imagine them pretending to slip and actually slipping and hurting themselves unintentionally. I shouldn't have worried though, Bryan would get hurt on the 4th inevitably.

This was Brielle's favorite place at Granny's house. They always find one of the most dangerous places with wires and such and just hang out there all day.
Monday, we decided to forego the Payson carnival. The fires had forced everyone from up North to go to Payson and it was CRAZY. Anyways, my family was still in town and they were all having a last minute bbq/swim at my parent's house. We headed to the valley and jumped in the pool. We were having so much fun, the kids were laughing, good conversation, tasty food, and water basketball started. Everytime the guys play this, we joke that someone is going to get hurt. Well, someone did finally and that someone was of course Bryan.

I was talking with my Aunt Sari and look over to see my mom and dad hunched over my husband and blood spilling out everywhere. My mom looked up and said, "he's really hurt this time". Oh great, well, at least it happened early enough that we beat the burn victims from fireworks to the Urgent Care. Bryan was going after a rebound and came up behind Matt who was going for the same rebound. Matt didn't know he was there and pulled the rebound down hard in turn catching Bryan directly in the nose. The ENT the following week said he was lucky that it healed perfectly and so he didn't have to have it set. It was still a pricey 4th of July with Bryan's deductible...
I wish I would have taken picture more when this happened, this is 2 days after he broke his nose. The swelling had decreased quite a bit but his black eyes had not really set in. At first, he looked like he had a nose as big as a lion. By Sunday, he had a black X on his face between the blackness on top of his eyelids and below his eyes. He was still cute though.

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