Friday, September 9, 2011

September 9th, 2011

 Brielle's first day exploring the park.
 It felt pretty good outside one evening so we tried out the park. The kids were in heaven.
 Brielle had learned to walk since we had been to the park in the spring. She loved the freedom.
 Slide for the first time. She was a little hesitant at first but kept climbing up to go again.
 Davin had to take her, of course.
 Again and again...
 cheesy face
 Brielle was playing in the sand so Davin got down and played in it too. When he was her age, he couldn't stand the sand. He freaked out when it would get on him. Oh how things have changed.
 Brielle thought the foam stuff felt cool. She kept dancing on it.
 Funny picture-but depicts her constant huge smile while playing.
 She loved riding this thing with her Daddy. Bryan is such an incredible father. I am so grateful for him.
He raced Davin around. He would jog along side Davin riding his scooter. Of course, Davin won 2 of the 3 races. Bryan had to get a win in for 2 reasons, his ego/competitive nature and to teach Davin he can't always win. I'm still trying to figure out which reason is the more important in Bryan's mind.

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