Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6 years!

Holy cow. Time flies right by. It speeds up the older you get. I never believed my mom when she would tell me this but as with everything, my mom is right.

I feel like I've known Bryan so much longer than 6 and a half years but at the same time, I remember falling in love like it was yesterday.

Its hard to believe everything we have accomplished and experienced in the 6 years together. 2 kids, build a house but buy a different house, I got my associate's degree (woohoo-yeah right, I need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up still and finish school) Bryan getting his bachelor's, Bryan getting his CPA, Timmy passing away, Davin's medical history (need not say anymore), etc etc.

Life is good. Although I sometimes have a hard time with the monotonous day to day and kids smothering me in 115 degree heat, I do love life and my family. I am so grateful I can stay home with the kids. I am excited to see what the rest of life and the eternities after have in store for Bryan and I and our family.

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