Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Birthday Weekend

Only pic this weekend that I took-Carson's baptism

Bryan and my birthdays were last weekend. Mine was Saturday and Bryan's was on Sunday. We woke up Saturday morning to a very rainy day. I know some people love them and I don't mind them but it was not the weather I was hoping for.
Bryan had to work the first half of Saturday so a good friend of mine organized a little breakfast with some sisters in the ward. It was so nice to do something. Her husband even watched Davin. It meant a lot that she was willing to give up her Saturday morning with her husband as well as some other sisters to join me for breakfast. I am really grateful for good friends.
After breakfast, I ran some errands (in the rain), came home made lunch, fed kids, changed Brielle & put her down for a nap, got Davin dressed and Bryan's stuff ready. Bryan walked in the door with white roses! The best ever. He had already bought me a new lense for my camera. He spoils me! He then quickly ate, changed, and we headed to Chick-fil-a for our lunch in the car on the way to Carson (my nephew's) baptism. It was very nice. My sister gave a wonderful talk and Carson set a very good example for Davin. Afterward, we headed to Tanner's for dinner after the baptism. We chilled and ate and had a little candle blowing out.
By the time we got home, we had 2 tired kids, a very tired Bryan and very claustrophic Birthday girl. Brielle was really fussy all night.
The next day was Bryan's birthday. He took Davin to church and I stayed home with Brielle who had decided to get a fever and bad cough in the middle of the night. We chilled when they got home and Bryan took his "birthday nap". All he wanted was a nap he said. After he woke up, he left with Davin to his parents house for dinner while I stayed to rehearse the arrangement of "Because I Have Been Given Much" for Lauren's farewell next week with my sisters and Mary Ellen (the arranger and pianist). It is gorgeous as usual. Brielle and I ended up getting to the Stowell family party at 6:30. Everyone was waiting. Bryan and I blew out candles, opened cards, I ate really quick and we packed up. When we got home, we bathed kids, read scriptures, etc etc-the nighttime routine and thus our actual birthdays were over and past.
Monday morning, I talked with some of Bryan's good friends from high school and we decided to do some cake and ice cream that night. So, the BFAM met up Monday night and we had a good time. We hadn't chilled since Christmas Eve so it was good to see everyone all together again. It was 9:30 though before it ended. Thus, with Bryan getting up at 4 am for crazy tax season and getting home at 7:30, I overdid it this weekend and I have one incredibly tired husband. It was a good weekend. We saw a lot of people and made a lot of memories but looking back, I wish we could have had a few moments to breathe and relax. I have yet to get Bryan to pick out his birthday present. He said he'll get some new work clothes. Let's hope he actually does it and spends some money on himself.
It was fun but, I'll just be glad for someday when Bryan and I are retired and we can celebrate our birthdays in peace. Hahahaha!
Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and presents. We love you!

1 comment:

  1. What a busy weekend... busy season is busy enough :) I think our families need to get together and celebrate at the end of the week!
